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Hexastix Variations  

Figure 73 : Hexastix rhombic dodecahedron. 

Hexastix can be joined together in various combinations, much in the same as the tetrastix groupings that were  covered in post 8. Adding hexastix is a modular building technique and can be used to create larger and more complex structures. A variety of polyhedral, shown in figures 73-75 illustrate a few of the combinations that can be produced by joining multiple hexastix together. 

Figure 74: Hexastix tetrahedron.

Figure75 : Hexastix. 

Hexastix can also be cut apart as a way to create interesting forms. Different hexastix patterns can be used to create distinct approximations of interpenetrating prism arrangements. The rods in a hexastix cross each other at different points and the contacts can be trimmed down to reveal the hidden structures within. A hexastix patterned with a hexagram can have its crossing rods successively trimmed down to reveal that the internal structure is composed of rhombic dodecahedron and the 3 fully supported stellations, seen in figure 78. 

Figure 76: Faceted hexastix.  

Figure 77: Faceted hexastix. 

Figure 78: Hexagramastix rhombic dodecahedron hexastix  stellations. 

Figure 79: Large Stellated hexagram hexastix. 

The following blog post will cover designing hexastix using 2-dimensional grids. 

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 copyright 2022 Anduriel Widmark