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Anduriel Widmark at andurielstudios, Anduriel Studios, about page. @anduriel #Anduriel
Artist Anduriel Widmark sits with geometric mathematical glass sculpture. Math glass, glass math, hexastix, polystix, geometric sculpture, math art, mathart.
Anduriel Widmark, born in 1987, is an American Artist from Denver, Colorado. In 2010, he received a Bachelors of Fine Arts degree, with a concentration in painting, from Metropolitan State University of Denver. Throughout childhood, Anduriel was attracted to the elegance and beauty in numbers and over time has found ways to explore his interest in mathematics using art. Glass sculptures and oil paintings materialize abstract geometric patterns with bright dynamic shapes and interweaving lines. He frequently exhibits internationally, including at the Bridges Math Art conferences, Joint Mathematics Meetings and the Mathematical Association of America. Anduriel's work plays with structures and their properties to develop new perspectives, using math to explore and celebrate the patterns that create our world.
Anduriel Widmark Artist Statement: I believe getting lost is the best way to find what you didn't know you were looking for. Diving deep into the patterns that make up our world revels new perspectives. Paintings and sculptures act as guides and companions in exploring the unknown.


-        Shoutout Colorado, https://shoutoutcolorado.com/meet-anduriel-widmark-visual-artist/  

-        All About Glass, Museum of American Glass in West Virginia, Vol. XXII No.1, April 2024.    

-        Bold Journey, https://boldjourney.com/meet-anduriel-widmark/ 

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